Hello there Fellow MAPPers Many thanks for your patience whilst I am going through the many drafts that have been submitted so far. Deadlines are looming fast this weekend for draft submissions and I am sure that you want the get them out of the way and in time for the forthcoming festive season. If for any reason, you are having difficulties sending in your draft reflective essays, proposals or research drafts, please do not hesitate to contact me. I do read the emails as them come in and respond in due course amongst my other committments. What I have received so far, has been varied and interesting and I am always fascinated how our respective learning journey's lead and direct our paths of inquiry, and critical reflection. I recently came across something ( some musings) I wrote a very, very long time ago, most likely on the back of a note book, which sat in the bottom of my bag or on the back of a cereal packet. It was in reference to how I looked my learning journey. It originally was supposed to be a journal entry somewhere, but for the life of me I can't remember why I did not write it more formally in a journal. " I am trying to unlock my learning and examine what it really means for me to examine or simply 'look'. Am I looking at small aspect of my learning and what it means to delve deeper.! The thought of delving deeper as phrase scared the living daylights out of me. What exactly am I delving into? Is it something or an aspect of myself I am not willing to face? /Or will I be positively be surprised? I feel like a detective at the scene of something big, and have to use my intuition and a rational mind figure out what it is I am investigating or seeing". As we journey through all of the modules from 1 to 3, the journey is always interesting in what we find!


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